Friday, 14 November 2008

The weekly portrait: Mike singing and playing the guitar

I drew this portrait of Mike with a sepia pencil in my small (A5) parchment paper sketch book.
This sketch book is designed for drawings in ink.
Mike likes me because I once introduced him to a friend as a guitarist and most people introduce him as a plumber.
Easy call that one. I know ones' day job is about mere survival of the animal, a necessary evil and possibly good for meeting people and experiences and giving food for thought and dreams wheras ones' talent and passion is about expressing and nurturing the soul.


  1. Hopefully, in the future, no one will have to work, since work implies to me some kind of effort at something that doesn't necessarily benefit the Soul. Hopefully, everyone will just express their soul desires, their personal genius, and can make a living from it. Hopefully.

    I have a Cormorant at my Site for You. Let me know if it is something you can sketch. I have other Photos where they are standing on Pilings too.

  2. Thanks for the Cormorant, here in NZ they are called Shags and they nest in big Pohutukawa trees or Pines on cliffs by the sea.
    Expressing one's soul is work but the necessity that drives it is to do the job(in my case painting and sculpture)justice, to do it just so, to catch that...and not just to pay bills.
    Some people don't know that life is a game, pick yours and play your best..
    I could go on and on but won't
    Cheers Bernie
